Seminario GENUD “Growth, Exercise, Nutrition and Development”


Jueves, 24 de junio de 2021 16:00 – 18:45 horas. ON lINE. Language: English

16:00 RED EXERNET. José A. Casajús, University of Zaragoza (Spain)

16:15 Keynote speaker:Exercise for a healthy aging: the example of the elderly EXERNET multi-center study.

Germán Vicente-Rodríguez, University of Zaragoza. Ignacio Ara, University of Castilla La Mancha (Spain).


16.45 Force velocity profiling in older adults with type 2 diabetes. Influence on body composition and physical function. The DIAPOW Project. Nodo  Madrid. Raquel Aparicio Ugarriza

17:00 Fitness vs. fatness as determinants of survival in non-institutionalized older adults: The EXERNET multi-center study. Nodo Genud. David Navarrete

17:15  Effects of an exercise program linked to primary care on depression in elderly: fitness as mediator of  the improvement. Nodo Cáceres. Miguel Angel Pérez Sousa

17:30 PowerFrail: an evidence-based App designed to assess muscle power and frailty in older people. Nodo Genud-Toledo. Julian Alcázar

17:45 Developing new equations to predict CRF and its relationship with brain health in older adults. Nodo Cádiz. Daniel Velázquez Díaz

18:00 Effectiveness of multicomponent physical vs dual-task exercise on falls and fall-risk in older adults living in nursing homes: the AgeingOnDUAL-TASK study. Nodo País Vasco.  Chloe Rezola Pardo.

18:15 Real life outcomes of a multicomponent exercise intervention in community-dwelling frail older adults. Improving over clinical trial results. Nodo Valencia. Fernando Millán

18:30 Closing of the seminar

Presenta: José A. Casajús, University of Zaragoza (Spain)

Grupos IIS Aragón:

GIIS066-Growth, Exercise, Nutrition and Development (GENUD)

GIIS037-Nutrición en la primera infancia y su repercusión a largo plazo


Los interesados en el seminario deberán rellenar la solicitud de inscripción a través del enlace que se facilita a continuación para obtener el enlace de acceso a la jornada. Se revisará el seguimiento/conexión de los asistentes a lo largo de la jornada para emitir los certificados exclusivamente a los estudiantes de doctorado.

Enlace de inscripción/ registration link: